Let it flow

What is reiki?

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.

Reiki is life force energy and promotes healing.  Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain.

A Reiki session aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks. Reiki can improve the flow of energy around the body and enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce symptoms of illness.

During these sessions, specific Reiki hand positions are used.  The client is fully clothed while comfortably reclining on a surface or seated in a chair.

How can Reiki and Fitness Training Work Together?

Reiki is a great, noninvasive therapy that can help people relax and get energy moving to every part of the body. Once a client is feeling more confident, exercises and fitness can supplement the Reiki sessions (and vice versa). 

Reiki is a great addition to any wellness routine including exercise.

Reiki can be used as a supportive training aid for a consistent exercise routine. Not only can it help to boost overall performance, but it can also be used as a tool to promote healing in new or old injuries.

Here are some of the many ways Reiki can benefit your exercise regimen:

  • Lowers the risk of severe injury
  • Promotes focus and concentration
  • Centers the mind
  • Relieves sore, stiff muscles
  • Speeds post-workout recovery
  • Promotes healing in new and old injuries
  • Reduces healing time and relieves discomfort during the healing

Healing energy

Long Distance Reiki

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.

Long Distance Reiki is just as effective as an in-person session.  An intake process will take place over the phone before we begin sessions so we can discuss your intentions for healing.  The session will be communicated over text, messenger or phone.  On the start of the session,  find a quiet and comfortable place to lie down.  On my side, I will be ready for you and will set my intuition to give your reiki and your side, you will set the intention to receive.  I incorporate sacred Reiki symbols that I have been attuned to, that allow the energy to flow in physical and temporal dimensions.  Then, I place my hands over each chakra or energetic center within the client’s body.